Technical notes.
Technical notes are communications relating to the set-up, and ongoing use and maintenance of BioLogic instruments. They have been written to help users correctly install equipment and ensure that they follow the correct procedures in order to deliver the most accurate measurement possible.
Electrochemistry and Battery Testing
- BT-Lab technical note 50: BCS-800 & BT-Lab®: Best Practices for long-term testing
- BT-Lab Technical Note 49: Measurements with BCS-800 & BT-Lab® software starting from a negative Ecell value
- EC-Lab Technical Notes 48: The |ΔSoC| limit
- EC-Lab Technical Notes 47: How to use sequences, loops, and cycles in EC-Lab® and BCS-800's BT-Lab® software?
- BT-Lab Technical Notes 46: How to properly use the dummy cells for BCS-800
- EC-Lab Technical Notes 45: Connection for high power system: Guide for a proper connection.
- EC-Lab Technical Notes 44: How to check the accuracy of your instrument?
- EC-Lab Technical Notes 43: Battery Holders : Guide to make a wise choice and a proper use.
- EC-Lab Technical Notes 42: Bistat3200: A guide to the use of the sync start macro
- EC-Lab Technical Notes 41: Climate Chamber control with EXTAPP
- EC-Lab Technical Notes 40: Influence of the current range on the response time of a potentiostat
- EC-Lab Technical Notes 39: Import urban profile (txt file)
- EC-Lab Technical Notes 38: BCD technique: Battery Capacity Determination
- EC-Lab Technical Notes 37: Peristaltic pump Installation
- EC-Lab Technical Notes 36: Board validation
- EC-Lab Technical Notes 35: Bandwidth selection
- EC-Lab Technical Notes 34: How fast the instrument is able to switch from potentio to galvano mode and vice versa?
- EC-Lab Technical Notes 33: DC-DC boards for SP-300 technology instruments
- EC-Lab Technical Notes 32: How to set the data recording conditions of my measurement?
- EC-Lab Technical Notes 31: Isolation System IS1 How and why?
- EC-Lab Technical Notes 30: Which GCPL technique is the most appropriate for my measurement?
- EC-Lab Technical Notes 29: How to use the purge tube?
- EC-Lab Technical Notes 28: EQCM cell Set-up
- EC-Lab Technical Notes 27: SAM-50 : Module for measurements on stack of 50V
- EC-Lab Technical Notes 26: How to configure an experiment with a platinum temperature probe?
- EC-Lab Technical Notes 25b: Control of the potential/current signal by an external device Part II : control by a channel of the potentiostat
- EC-Lab Technical Notes 25a: Control of the potential/current signal by an external device Part I : control by a Low Frequency Generator (LFG)
- EC-Lab Technical Notes 24: Potentiostat board installation on SP-300 chassis (BiPotentiostat option)
- EC-Lab Technical Notes 23: Graphic properties Part II: Graph Representation definition
- EC-Lab Technical Notes 22: Graphic properties Part I: Graph Style definition
- EC-Lab Technical Notes 21: External device control and recording
- EC-Lab Technical Notes 20: MEASURE versus CONTROL mode: extended current ranges
- EC-Lab Technical Notes 19: Network parameters configuration with EC-Lab® and EC-Lab® Express software
- EC-Lab Technical Notes 18: Channel board: installation and calibration for VMP2, VMP3, VSP
- EC-Lab Technical Notes 17: Instantaneous versus averaged current measurement
- EC-Lab Technical Notes 13: Long cell cables
- EC-Lab Technical Notes 12: Low current N’Stat box installation (VMP2, BiStat, VSP, VMP3)
- EC-Lab Technical Notes 11: Other channel to cell connection mode Part II: CE to Ground mode
- EC-Lab Technical Notes 10: “p” low current option: installation and calibration
- EC-Lab Technical Notes 09: Various connection modes Part I: Ewe vs. Ece control in the standard mode
- EC-Lab Technical Notes 08: Adjustment of the potential control resolution
- EC-Lab Technical Notes 07: The “compact” Function in the PCGA protocol
- EC-Lab Technical Notes 06: The Data smooth option
- EC-Lab Technical Notes 05: Importing an EC-Lab® text file into excel on line
- EC-Lab Technical Notes 04: VMP2, VMP or MPG firmware upgrading
- EC-Lab Technical Notes 03 Communicate with the instruments
- EC-Lab Technical Notes 02 Accessing the VMP, VMP2, MPG or BiStat from other networks through gateways
- EC-Lab Technical Notes 01: VMP, VMP2, MPG or BiStat IP address change
Material testing
- MT-Lab Technical Note 08: Dummy cell for CESH-e
- MT-Lab Technical Notes-07: Temperature calibration of a potentiostat board with an ITS
- MT-Lab Technical Notes-06: Calibration of a sample holder
- MT-Lab Technical Notes 05: Which connection to use with MTZ-35
- MT-Lab Technical Notes-04: HTCC Instructions for use, cleaning and maintenance
- MT-Lab Technical Notes-03: HTSH-1100: Description and installation of the sample
- MT-Lab Technical Notes-02: CESH-e sample holders
- MT-Lab Technical Notes-01: Cell cables and sample holder compensation
- Photosynthesis Technical Notes 08: Interfacing a laser to JTS-10
- Photosynthesis Technical Notes 07: Use of P700-705 Kit in Absorbance mode – P700 and PC measurements with PSI excitation
- Photosynthesis Notes 06: Use of P700-705 Kit in Absorbance mode – P700 and PC measurements with PSI and PSII excitation
- Photosynthesis Technical Notes 05: Use of Cytochrome Eukaryote Kit in Absorbance mode – Cytochrome b and f measurement with PSI excitation
- Photosynthesis Technical Notes 04: Use of Eukaryote Kit in Fluorescence mode – NPQ measurement using Fluo-59 accessory
- Photosynthesis Technical Notes 03: Use of Eukaryote Kit in Fluoresccence mode – OJIP measurement using Fluo-59 accessory
- Photosynthesis Technical Notes 02: Use of Eukaryote Kit in Absorbance mode – ECS measurement with PSI and PSII excitation
- Photosynthesis Technical Notes 01: Use of Eukaryote Kit in Absorbance mode – ECS measurement with PSI excitation
- Photosynthesis Technical Notes 00: JTS-10 hardware and software installation
Rapid Kinetics and Spectroscopy
- RK-Spectro Technical Note 90 : How to use the MOS500 capillary holder
- RK-Spectro Technical Note 89 : CD measurements in NIR region
- RK-Spectro Technical Note 88 : μSFM - Refolding of lysozyme using a 50μl stock solution and MOS-200
- RK-Spectro Technical Note 87: μSFM - Absorbance kinetics using a 200μl stock solution and MOS-200
- RK-Spectro Technical Note 86: MOS-500 - Installation of MCD accessory and example of MCD spectrum
- RK-Spectro Technical Note 85: SFM-X000 used in anaerobic conditions_ loading of instrument
- RK-Spectro Technical Note 84: Single wavelength kinetic using MOS-500 in anisotropy mode
- RK-Spectro Technical Note 83: Spectral recording MOS-500 in anisotropy mode
- RK-Spectro Technical Note 82: Steady state spectral recording in absorbance mode using MOS-500
- RK-Spectro Technical Note 81: Single wavelength kinetic using MOS-500 in absorbance mode
- RK-Spectro Technical Note 80: Single wavelength kinetic using MOS-500 in fluorescence mode
- RK-Spectro Technical Note 79: Single wavelength kinetics experiment using MOS-500 in CD mode
- RK-Spectro Technical Note 78: Thermal denaturation of lysozyme in spectra mode using single peltier and MOS-500
- RK-Spectro Technical Note 77: Excitation fluorescence scan using MOS-500
- RK-Spectro Technical Note 76: Single wavelength kinetics experiment using MOS200 in fluorescence mode
- RK-Spectro Technical Note 75: Thermal denaturation of cytochrome-c using TCU-250 and MOS-500
- RK-Spectro Technical Note 74: Spectral recording using MOS-500 in Circular Dichroism mode
- RK-Spectro Technical Note 73: Determination of your experimental dead time in fluorescence mode using μFC-08 and SFM-4000/S
- RK-Spectro Technical Note 67: Steady state spectral recording using MOS-450 in ORD mode
- RK-Spectro Technical Note 66: 3D trace using a diode array in absorbance mode
- RK-Spectro Technical Note 64: Single wavelength kinetics experiment using MOS200 in absorbance mode
- RK-Spectro Technical Note 63: Single wavelength kinetic of cytochrome c in fluorescence mode
- RK-Spectro Technical Note 62: Dead time determination using DCIP and acid ascorbic with the microcuvette μFC-08
- RK-Spectro Technical Note 61: Anisotropy T- format using MOS-200/M and an additional PMS-250
- RK-Spectro Technical Note 60: X-ray head
- RK-Spectro Technical Note 59: Single wavelength kinetics experiment using MOS200M_CD in CD mode
- RK-Spectro Technical Note 58: Titration of Cytochrome c
- RK-Spectro Technical Note 57: Single wavelength kinetic using J715-720 and Bio-Kine in fluorescence mode
- RK-Spectro Technical Note 56: Single wavelength kinetics using J715-720 and Bio-Kine32 in CD mode-reaction 2
- RK-Spectro Technical Note 55: Single wavelength kinetics using J715-720 and Bio-Kine32 in CD mode-reaction 1
- RK-Spectro Technical Note 54: Determination of your experimental dead time in fluorescence mode
- RK-Spectro Technical Note 53: Determination of your experimental dead time in fluorescence mode
- RK-Spectro Technical Note 52: Designing double mixing quench flow experiments
- RK-Spectro Technical Note 50: Global mode experiment using MOS-200M in absorbance mode
- RK-Spectro Technical Note 49: Determination of minimum washing volume for the microcuvette (mFC-08)
- RK-Spectro Technical Note 48: Installation of SFM20 on the J810 spectropolarimeter using spectra manager with advanced mode
- RK-Spectro Technical Note 47: Installation of SFMX00 on the J810 spectropolarimeter with advanced mode
- RK-Spectro Technical Note 46: Installation of SFM-X00 on the J810 spectropolarimeter
- RK-Spectro Technical Note 45: Installation of SFM20 on the J810 spectropolarimeter
- RK-Spectro Technical Note 44: Pulsed flow method for Quench flow experiment
- RK-Spectro Technical Note 43: Ageing methods for long time reaction using MPS software and biokine up to the version 4.04
- RK-Spectro Technical Note 42: Spectral recording using MOS450_AF-CD and Emission monochromator in fluorescence mode
- RK-Spectro Technical Note 41: Excitation fluorescence scan using MOS450AF-CD
- RK-Spectro Technical Note 40: QFM-400 upgrade for slow reactions studies
- RK-Spectro Technical Note 39: Determination of the minimal ageing time for each delay line
- RK-Spectro Technical Note 38: Anisotropy T-format using MOS250 and two additional channels
- RK-Spectro Technical Note 37: Anisotropy T-format using MOS200 and an additional PMS250
- RK-Spectro Technical Note 36: DNPA hydrolysis using the low temperature accessory
- RK-Spectro Technical Note 35: DNPA hydrolysis using QFM-400
- RK-Spectro Technical Note 34: Design of stopped flow sequence, determination of minimum washing volume
- RK-Spectro Technical Note 33: Stopped-flow_Diode array detection using Kinspec
- RK-Spectro Technical Note 32: SFM-20 used in anaerobic conditions and the loading of instruments
- RK-Spectro Technical Note 31: Determination of your experimental dead time in absorbance mode
- RK-Spectro Technical Note 25: Performing emission fluorescence spectra using MOS250
- RK-Spectro Technical Note 24: Titration of cytochrome-c using the titrator accessory combined with MOS250
- RK-Spectro Technical Note 23: Different acquisition modes using the titrator accessory combined with MOS250
- RK-Spectro Technical Note 22: Thermal denaturation of cytochrome-c using TCU-250 and MOS450
- RK-Spectro Technical Note 20: Single wavelength kinetics experiment using MOS250 in fluorescence mode
- RK-Spectro Technical Note 18: Create a stopped-flow sequence using MPS32 software
- RK-Spectro Technical Note 17: Single wavelength kinetics experiment using MOS250 in absorbance mode
- RK-Spectro Technical Note 16: Steady state spectral recording using MOS250 in absorbance mode
- RK-Spectro Technical Note 15: Single wavelength kinetics experiment using MOS450_AF-CD in CD and Fluorescence mode
- RK-Spectro Technical Note 14: Single wavelength kinetics experiment using MOS450 AF-CD in CD mode
- RK-Spectro Technical Note 13: Single wavelength kinetics experiment using MOS450_AF-CD in anisotropy mode
- RK-Spectro Technical Note 12: Single wavelength kinetics experiment using MOS450_AF or AF-CD in fluorescence mode
- RK-Spectro Technical Note 11: Single wavelength kinetics experiment using MOS 450_AF or AF-CD in absorbance mode
- RK-Spectro Technical Note 10: Spectral recording MOS450_AF-CD in anisotropy mode
- RK-Spectro Technical Note 9: Spectral recording using MOS450_AF-CD in Circular Dichroism mode
- RK-Spectro Technical Note 8: Steady state spectral recording using MOS450-AF or AF-CD in absorbance mode
- RK-Spectro Technical Note 6: Dual wavelength kinetic using MOS-LED and SFM100_motorized in absorbance mode
- RK-Spectro Technical Note 05: Quenched-flow mode_ Rate constant determination using Biokine
- RK-Spectro Technical Note 5: Dual wavelength kinetic using MOS-LED and SFM100_manual in absorbance mode
- RK-Spectro Technical Note 4: single wavelength kinetic using MOS-LED and SFM100_motorized in fluorescence mode
- RK-Spectro Technical Note 03: Installation of SFM 20 on the J810 spectropolarimeter
- MOS LED Technical Note 3: single wavelength kinetic using MOS-LED and SFM100_manual in Fluorescence mode
- MOS-LED Technical Note 2: single wavelength kinetic using MOS-LED and SFM100_motorized in absorbance mode
- RK-Spectro Technical Note 1: single wavelength kinetic using MOS-LED and SFM100 _manual in absorbance mode
Scanning probe workstations
- SCAN-Lab Technical Notes 22: Approach Curve Topography Extrapolation Experiment
- SCAN-Lab Technical Notes 21: Introducing software for the SDS470 Pump
- SCAN-Lab Technical Notes 20 : Using SVET to measure Vertical Samples (log in to your account to view)
- SCAN-Lab Technical Notes 19: Tuning Configuration Settings in SKP
- SCAN-Lab Technical Notes 18: Using the SECM150 in a Controlled Atmosphere in a Glove Bag
- SCAN-Lab Technical Notes 17: Preventing Damage by ElectroStatic Discharge
- SCAN-Lab Technical Notes 16: Comparison of Saturated Calomel Electrode (SCE) and Silver/Silver Chlo-ride Electrode (Ag/AgCl) using the M470
- SCAN-Lab Technical Notes 15: 5 μm SECM Probes: Description, Advantage, and User Guidelines
- SCAN-Lab Technical Notes 14: Height Tracking Inputs for SKP Investigations
- SCAN-Lab Technical Notes 13: Connecting to the SP-300 by Ethernet connection (instead of USB)
- SCAN-Lab Technical Notes 12: ac-SECM and LEIS: differences and similarities
- SCAN-Lab Technical Notes 11: Determining the probe diameter and RG ratio in an SECM experiment
- SCAN-Lab Technical Notes 10: The application of Gwyddion imaging software to M370/M470 results
- SCAN-Lab Technical Notes 09: 150 μm SKP probe: description, advantage and user’s guidelines
- SCAN-Lab Technical Notes 08: Scanning Vibrating Electrode Technique (SVET): factors affecting the measurement
- SCAN-Lab Technical Notes 07: M470 positioner : how high resolution and high accuracy are achieved
- SCAN-Lab Technical Notes 06: Ultra Micro-Electrodes (UMEs) for SECM techniques
- SCAN-Lab Technical Notes 05: Using custom probes for LEIS, SVP and SKP experiments
- SCAN-Lab Technical Notes 04: The importance of the Counter Electrode in LEIS measurement
- SCAN-Lab Technical Notes 03: Relating Work Function Difference Measured by Scanning Kelvin Probe (SKP) to Corrosion Potential.
- SCAN-Lab Technical Notes 02: Practical methods to correlate the SVP voltage to a current at a sample’s surface
- SCAN-Lab Technical Notes 01: Magnitudes and principles used in Scanning Vibrating Electrode Technique