Learning center
An ever-growing source of articles to help you with your research
BioLogic's Learning Centre is a blog which will include articles for all scientific fields related to our instruments: Electrochemistry, Battery testing, Lifesciences, Material Characterization, Rapid Kinetics amongst others. You will find articles here that will help you get the most out of your instrument, together with more general, scientifically-focused papers that will discuss key scientific themes in broader detail. This database of articles will be regularly updated, so don't forget to check back if you don't see what you need. And please feel free to contact us, if you wish to suggest an article for this section.
Browse our learning center:
Energy storage and conversion.
Get the most out of your battery cycler, scanning probe workstation, or potentiostat – galvanostat.
Browse this section of the site to find scientific articles, tutorials, videos, and other self-help documentation relating to energy storage and conversion.
Please note that this database will be regularly updated with new documents, so check back regularly.
Research electrochemistry.
Please peruse this part of the site to find articles, white paper, tutorials, application notes and a wide range of other documentation related to research electrochemistry.
This database will be regularly updated, so please check back later for more information on research electrochemistry.
Life sciences.
Browse this section of the site to access scientific and self-help articles related to the field of Life sciences.
Please note that this database will be regularly updated with new documents, so check back regularly.
Materials science.
Browse this section of our site to find articles, videos, white papers and a wide range of information related to the field of Materials science.
Please note that this database will be regularly updated with new documents, so check back regularly.