Optical Quench Flow and Optical Delay Line - BioLogic
Stopped-flow /quench flow

Optical Quench Flow and Optical Delay Line.

Compatible with the premium stopped-flow series

An accessory used when applications need intense light (laser, flash lamp, etc.) in order to trigger or quench a reaction

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Optical Quench Head

The optical quench head is used for applications where intense light (laser, flash lamp, etc.) is used to quench a reaction. A sample can flow through the cuvette under constant illumination, or the flow can be stopped and the sample illuminated at a preset time. Cuvette exposure is optimized for maximum quenching. The open air design of the head allows quick dissipation of heat without compromising the amount of sample exposed to the light source. The optical quench head is compatible with all SFM models. A FC-15 cuvette is delivered in standard but all FC type cuvettes are compatible with the accessory.




Optical delay line

The optical delay line is used for applications where the light is used to generate a reactant or to trigger a sample change before chemical quenching. The sample flows through the cuvette under constant illumination or the flow is stopped and the sample illuminated at a preset time before mixing with a final reactant/quencher. The cuvette access ports allow beams as large as 5 mm in diameter to be used for illumination. The optical delay line is compatible with the premium stopped-flow series only .



Optical quench head
Cuvette FC-15
Light path 1.5 mm
Illuminated volume 37 μl


Optical delay line
Cuvette FC-15
Light path 1.5 mm
Inter mixer volume 89 μl
Dead volume (from center of mixer to center of cuvette) 31 μl